Navigating Back Pain in Chicago

What You Must Know About Back Pain in Chicago IllinoisBoth misinterpreted and poorly managed back pain are a great source of suffering for many people around the world. In this post you will find up-to-date knowledge about this problem and some tips on the steps people can take to help themselves. Low back pain is frequent and recurrent, but rarely severe.


Almost all human beings experience low back pain at some point in our lives, and we should understand that it is part of everyday life, such as getting tired, feeling sad or having a cold.

While some episodes of low back pain can be severe and terrifying, most people recover from the episode reasonably quickly, and often without the need to see a healthcare professional for treatment.

Similar to health conditions like migraine, asthma, and depression, low back pain can have a recurring pattern in which it comes and goes. Simply put, if a person had an episode of low back pain in the past, they will likely experience low back pain again in the future.

This recurring nature of low back pain should not be a cause for despair, as suffering pain from time to time does not mean that a person suffers from a major disability. Since almost everyone has lower back pain at some point in their life, it should not be interpreted as rare or serious. Understanding and understanding the triggers of low back pain and what a person should and should not do is more helpful than treating low back pain.


Sometimes low back pain can be intense and cause people to become distressed and worry about a possible more serious injury, patients who are in this situation will seek the help of health professionals. However, and always based on the results of scientific studies, it is becoming increasingly clear that most of the treatments offered are not as effective as we thought. In addition, the decision to seek treatment can, when pain is not resolved quickly, lead people with low back pain to be referred to a wide range of high-cost, ineffective and sometimes harmful tests and treatments.

For example, a large majority of patients think that an x-ray or MRI will identify the cause of their low back pain and lead to a better treatment plan. However, solid evidence shows that serious illnesses are found in about one percent of people with low back pain, and an examination is only essential if there is strong suspicion that the patient belongs to this small group. Unfortunately, the use of radiological devices can lead to confusing and inconclusive results, when they are performed too frequently.

Similarly, so-called “pain relievers” are not very effective in treating low back pain and often have significant side effects. Acetaminophen, anti-inflammatories, and even opioid medications are no better than placebo, there are numerous studies supporting this awkward truth. Most importantly, pain relievers should not be used as a stand-alone treatment or as a long-term solution.

Invasive treatment, like surgery, is rarely an option for low back pain. Almost all international guidelines recommend that it is avoided for a considerable period of time to allow our body the possibility of a natural recovery, or recovery through non-surgical approaches, such as exercise. Unfortunately, many patients are sent to the operating room too quickly, which implies a higher cost and a higher risk.

If you still have questions about back pain, we invite you to get in touch with Grandview Health Partners for a chiropractic examination. Contact us today.