Times are uncertain right now, but we are all together in this. Here at Grandview Health Partners, we are always open and ready to help our patients as much as we can. Recently, the state of Illinois has launched a new website – http://www.dph.illinois.gov/covid19 – and it provides information on Covid-19 virus in our state.
If you are worried as to how to protect your family and yourself, we have put together a list of best practices from trusted governmental sources that you can follow.

The Governor of Illinois has sent a letter that contains all the essential services.
Grandview Health Partners is not just a local business but an essential business category. Below is a part of the letter:
On March 20, 2020, Governor Pritzker issued Executive Order 2020-10 that restricts Illinoisans to their homes, except to obtain “essential services,” and that only essential services may remain in operation at this time. Services rendered by all physicians, including chiropractic physicians, are essential services under this order. – Illinois Chiropractic Society
The Covid-19 site also provides the residents of Illinois with some Do’s and Don’ts. Below we have listed them out for you:
- Stay at home
- Thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
- Always cover your cough or sneeze with tissue
- Properly clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces
- If you don’t have access to soap and water, you can use alcohol-based hand sanitizer
- Avoid shaking hands with people
- Touch your face or the T-section of our body
- Go to your doctor if you are not sick
- Stockpile masks, gloves, hand sanitizers

Our Grandview Health Partners Team is working hard to reduce the risk of spread by practicing social distancing as much as possible within each office, wearing appropriate face coverings, gloves and by disinfecting all surfaces and other areas of our clinics several times per day. Though we routinely clean surfaces throughout the day anyway, we are adhering strictly to the recommendations of the CDC, routinely disinfecting all areas and surfaces to reduce the risk of exposure for all of our patients.
Grandview Health Partners will remain open to provide necessary care for all new and established patients. If you are a potential new patient please feel free to call us so that we can schedule your appointment at a time and location that is convenient for you. We can assure you that our Team is doing everything possible to provide a clean and safe environment for your care.