Active Exercise Rehabilitation And Conditioning Chiropractor Chicago 
Chiropractic Clinic for Active Exercise Rehabilitation And Conditioning in Chicago IL
Services We Offer
- Chiropractic Manipulations
- Active Release Techniques® FULL BODY
- Upper Extremities
- Lower Extremities
- Spine
- Nerve Entrapment
- Therapeutic Exercises
- Rehabilitative Exercises
- Electrical Muscle Stimulation
- Re-Educational Exercises
- Intersegmental Traction
- Stretching Programs
Grandview Health Partners Accepts
- Motor Vehicle Accident Claims
- Most Medical Insurance
- Personal Injury Claims
- Worker’s Compensation Claims
Specializing in Sports Injuries & Neuromuscular Rehabilitation
- Exercise/Therapy Room
- Focusing on the Active Patient
- We Accept Most Insurance
- Quality Time Using Gentle Activator Techniques
Different chiropractic manipulations help a lot in reducing lower back pain, mid-back pain and neck pain in most of the cases.
At Grandview Health Partners we help you to improve your overall flexibility, strength and balance.
Feel free to give us a call at (773) 378-9977 and we will be happy to tell you how we can help you out and take care of you.
You can also check out our contact form and fill that instead. Our team at our chiropractic clinic in Chicago will get back to you ASAP.